What is a Blower Door Test and Why Do I Need One?
Ever wonder what a blower door test is? Or how that can impact your home comfort?
Here are four benefits of a blower door test:
- Less energy use = lower utility bills
- A greater level of comfort in the home
- A potentially smaller heating and cooling system
- Return on investment during a home sale
1. Repairing small holes and cracks in the building envelope will help keep hard-earned dollars from escaping from your home. It is commonly accepted that 15-30 percent of your heating and cooling costs can be traced back to the building envelope. A 15-30 percent reduction in your energy costs can be significant.
For example, let's say that your home currently burns up to 1000 gallons of oil per year (typical for an average home heating and hot water) at $4.00/gallon for heating and hot water, the savings could equal up to to $1,300.00. That can equal a great savings for your checkbook and put more money back in your pocket where it belongs.
2. Everybody would like a more comfortable place to live. Air leaks (also known as drafts) bring in large amounts of cold, drafty unconditioned air. This unconditioned air makes us put on sweaters, sit like Eskimos with blankets over us at night, and have freezing toes while doing the dishes in front of the ktchen sink. After sealing the cracks and crevices of our homes, you no longer have to turn up the heat to feel comfortable or cover up with another blanket at night.
We do not have to be scared to keep the thermostat set at a comfortable temperature because of the cost. Those old, nasty drafts can be stopped, and the first step towards being more comfortable is the blower door test.
3. Are you purchasing a replacement heating or air condiioning system? It would be good to know that blower door testing, air sealing, and insulating can reduce the size of your new HVAC system by 15-30 percent. This will immediately affect the cost of installing your new system by using smaller equipment and can affect the overall installation costs as well.
These savings can be turned back into your home. The new smaller, correctly sized heating or cooling equipment will operate at a much lower daily operating cost, with a greater level of comfort for the family. These savings can be enjoyed for many, many years to come.
4. Lowered energy costs can be tracked using utility bills, oil delivery records and/or propane delivery records. These records can be tracked and KLEEN-aere of NY, Ltd. will turn these records into a case study to show a potential home buyer the total energy saved by air-sealing and insulating. In other words, if you and your neighbor are selling two equal houses, your lowered operating costs may enhance the sale of your home and add value during the process.
Our evaluator can show you how much energy gets wasted by leaky, uninsulated, inefficient duct systems.
Contact us today to get your blower door test scheduled and start saving money tomorrow.
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